Asphalt Pavement Striping

Parking garages, business parking lots, and other high traffic parking areas require asphalt pavement striping for legal and practical reasons. Parking lot striping is one way to ensure the asphalt is functional for visiting customers and employees while adhering to the safety regulations put in place by the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act).

Keeping up a parking lot also has other benefits for property owners and a competent professional parking lot striping company can deliver high-quality results in an efficient timespan. Continue reading to learn more about the advantages of hiring a professional parking lot striping company.

A New Exterior Look Improves Business

Storefront decorations and exterior landscaping are great ways for a business to prove it cares about its appearance, but one thing that often gets overlooked is the parking lot. Parking lots plagued by potholes, asphalt cracks, or other forms of damaged pavement can, at best, be an eyesore and at worse become a hazard to visitors to the company.

Though not every parking area has asphalt cracks or needs asphalt repair, asphalt pavement striping for parking lots is typically the first sign of a poorly maintained area. Parking lots striping is an affordable way to put a fresh look on an aging parking lot without worrying about a long-term inconvenience.

Long-Term Cost Reduction

New asphalt pavement striping for parking lots is an investment that can return significant savings over time. When a professional parking lot striping company like ourselves takes on a new project, the first thing we do is survey the entire parking lot area and determine if there are other problems that need to be addressed.

This can turn into a huge cost-saving venture if a minor fault in the pavement is revealed, preventing the need for a more costly asphalt repair or parking lot maintenance service. Additionally, not complying fully with new changes to ADA guidelines can result in hefty fines – especially if a person is injured without it.

Better Equipment For Faster Turnaround

The biggest concern over any parking lot service is how long the process will take. Hiring a professional asphalt pavement striping company ensures that the project will take as little time as possible since all the right equipment is already on hand.

This is a decision that many business owners struggle to make and all too often results in attempts to save money by using do-it-yourself asphalt pavement striping methods. This is extremely risky and can end up costing you considerably more in the long run or result in shoddy work due to a lack of the specialized equipment it takes to achieve the desired results.

Florida property owners concerned with keeping up parking lots can depend on the professional expertise of Atlantic Southern Paving and Sealcoating to get the job done perfectly and quickly. Our business has accumulated close to 30 years of industry experience and our professional paving contractors service all major cities in the state.

Contact us to discuss asphalt pavement striping for your parking lot today!

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Asphalt Pavement Striping