When To Hire Orlando Asphalt Contractors

Do you have Orlando asphalt contractors you can rely on for reliable parking lot maintenance and asphalt repair services? Asphalt pavement, though known to be durable, lasting, strong, does require a certain level of routine care by the business owner or property management group in charge.

The older and more used asphalt pavement becomes, the quicker it begins to deteriorate, age, and become brittle and prone to asphalt failures like potholes, drainage issues, alligator cracking, and more.  

Without proper parking lot maintenance services and periodic assessments from quality asphalt contractors in Orlando (or anywhere for that matter), the asphalt can become irreparably damaged and extremely expensive to restore back to its original form.

To best understand why every property manager should value the importance of hiring quality Orlando asphalt contractors, we’ve laid out a few common defects in the article below. If you’re preparing to find a top Orlando paving company to request a quote for the highest quality commercial asphalt services locally available, contact Atlantic Southern Paving and Sealcoating to learn more.

When To Hire Orlando Asphalt Contractors

Like most construction materials that are heavily abused outdoors, asphalt pavement slowly erodes over time. The best way to ensure this erosion process doesn’t happen and that your property continues to look great is by taking the appropriate course of action to maximize its overall lifespan.

Things such as outdoor elements, like water, ice, and the harmful UV rays from constant sunlight, are capable of entering into the tiniest cracks and loose areas of pavement. This is true even when the initial asphalt paving process is done or a fresh asphalt overlay is installed. 

Further harmful chemical elements also continuously cause damage and deteriorate the binders, weakening the bond that holds the aggregates like gravel and sand together. Add this to the dangers of heavy use from constant traffic, and it’s apparent how much beating an area like a parking lot can take on a daily basis – let alone for years.

Once these different harmful elements become to take their toll more and more, the signs become apparent that the asphalt is weakening. Cracks begin forming. Pieces chip away, causing potholes. Water starts pooling inside potholes and further penetrates lower sublayers, ultimately leading to bigger potholes from developing seemingly overnight.

So what exactly can asphalt contractors in Orlando help to prevent this process from worsening?

Types of Asphalt Treatments

Modern commercial asphalt services include numerous options now. Some of the most common types of treatments that our Orlando asphalt paving contractors help our clients with include:

Each of these available commercial asphalt services serves a specific purpose and can help to ensure the longevity of your pavement while helping to improve the overall appearance and safety of your property.

Don’t wait until you’re stuck paying for costly asphalt services that could have been prevented. Call Atlantic Southern Paving today at 407-502-0040 to speak with our Orlando office about how we can help deliver the results you need in an experience you can trust!

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Orlando Asphalt Contractors